Partially completed Southern California housing tract demolished
Original Article in the Daily Press Los Angeles Times - Article "Housing crunch becomes literal in Victorville"
In a story Associated Press article syndicated by the San Jose Mercury News, the demolition of the remaining partially constructed was noted. The article desribed the site as follows:
"The planned 16-unit tract on the fringes of a suburb about 65 miles northeast of Los Angeles included four finished homes with granite counter tops, whirlpool bathtubs and dual-pane windows."
Two things worth noting about the above statement. "Fringes of Suburb" is an understatement. Victorville is over 80 miles from downtown Los Angeles. According to Google Maps the drive to Victorville is over 80 miles which theoretically takes over 1 hour and 20 minutes and up to 2 hours, 40 minutes in traffic. Also to get to Victorville you would need to drive over a 4,200 foot high pass through the San Gabriel and San Bernadino Mountains. On some of the worst commutes; the trip could take over 5 hours, round trip.
Notice that the article described the homes with granite counter tops and whirlpool bathtubs, a classic add on at the hight of the real
estate bubble.

Victorville is classic suburban type development gone wild and gets my Golden Asphalt Award . The gobbling up of desert land is clear noticeable from "the air" as you view the city on Google Maps . With only a 2007 population of just over 100,000 it has hit the suburban big time with their own mega mall, creatively called "The Mall" (I'm not making this up) featuring stores such as Sears, McDonalds, and Starbucks.
If you want to buy land next to this mall its only $7 million.
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