Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shopping Cart Bike Trailer

Spotted this cart being used by the Chai vendor at tonight's Bike-In movie.

And here is another cart that was selling delcious cupcakes.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The New Family SUV

Found this Surley parked outside of the Saratoga REI. This Surley "Big Dummy" outfitted an ExtraCycle kit has all a Silicon Valley Family Needs; two child carriers, a pick up bed located in the front, complete light and horn kit and even 4 water bottle holders.

The child carrier looks like it is a hand built custom kit complete with a child proof kick plate.

The Extracycle bags on the rear provide plenty of room for groceries and the bed up front is perfect for larger items such as the kids toys.

If any one wants go share their families "SUV" and their stories of a car free or car-lite life, leave me a comment here.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Don't Let The Flag Fool You

So Let me get this straight. If I drive a truck (solo of course) bigger than most Japanese houses, and I stencil an Amerkin flag on the side of the truck (which is almost the size of a highway billboard), I am an American Patriot.

How did we get here. How does this supposed to represent hard working, sensible, tolerant Americans. The sheer energy just to move this thing off of a stop light could power my home for 2 days.

It's no wonder why former President Bush how to go to the Saudi's; hat in hand to beg to keep the oil spigots open. Middle East oil barrons just love to see pictures like this. More money to fund terrorist projects.
So please sir, ask yourself this question; "Who is the true American Patriot, Me, or that guy on the bicycle I just ran over?".

Monday, August 10, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hey, Where Do We Park Our Tanks?

Or ...Tree Mulch is the Only Off-Road These Beasts will ever see.

Las Palmas Park, Sunnyvale, Ca, USA
The two photos below show (illegal) overflow parking at a local park even though there was ample parking across the street.

For those of you who read this blog from, Europe, Brazil, Australia, and and Japan; I don't make this stuff up; this is not Hollywood, this is real life in the Silicon Valley. We are overrun with cars; and not just Euro and Japan size cars with 2.5 liter engines, but monsters; the size of my aparment when I lived in Tokyo.

In the pictures above these 4WD beasts drove over "dangerous" Tree Mulch to find these covered spaces.

As James Kuntsler mentioned in "The Geography of Nowhere"; "if beings from another planet landed on this one they would think that it was inhabited by automobiles." If they saw this scene they would observe that the big fat earthlings were having a summer picnic.

The photo above was taken a couple of days ago showing just how brazen we have become.

I would welcome any comments you would have.
-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, August 6, 2009

No this is not Amsterdam, yur in aMerka

I'm trying to be positive here. This guy or

gal could really use a bike. Think of the cleaner air, increased health,as well as the school children who can walk, ride, and play.

So fellow cyclists, let's show this guy just how healthy and fun cycling can be.

THIS is why I Ride.

-- Post From My iPhone

Alert - Large Branch Down

On Miller in front of Both Lynbrook High School and Rainbow Park in San Jose. 10:21 AM

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Car Surfing" Driver Pleads No-Contest in Sunnyvale

Athena Ford, 20 the driver charged with felony vehicular manslaughter in the death of Paul Benabides pleaded no-contest to the charges on July 24th. The women was "playing" a game of car-surfing with Paul, her boyfriend, when he fell from the roof of the car at speeds of up to 40 mph. The street, Lois Ave. in Sunnyvale is a residential street with a speed limit of 25 mph. One of the factors given for the accident besides speed was alcohol. Ford has been scheduled for sentencig on September 14 of this year where she could face up to one year in jail.

In a previous post, I mentioned how suprised I was that on this quiet residential street, a couple of days after the accident there was no evidence that a young man had tragically lost his life. There were no candles, pictures, ribbons, street markings; not even the telltale signs of road flares that would indicate a recent accident.

Paul Benabides -- RIP

Cash For Clunkers Approved!

Had to take a photo of this car while riding

by this morning. The sign on the windshiel says "Cash For Clunkers Approved.

The car was parked at a Shell station at the corner of Stelling Rd. and Stevens Creek Blvd. in Cupertino. Can't figure out what the direct connection to the Shell Station.

-- Post From My iPhone