Although in this blog I try to retain an upbeat tone to the benefits of decreasing our dependence on cars, I do have to highlight something the auto companies try to hide, and that is the sheer number of casualties; both fatal and non-fatal, related to autos. In memory of all victims of traffic fatalities I try to make mention of those who left us just to show you how vulnerable we all are to traffic fatalities. As I have mentioned before I have allready lost three high school classmates (one who lived several doors down from us) and several friends. When I tell people that I ride a bike the usually response centers on the dangers of cycling, without ever realizing that for most males under 30 years old, traffic fatalities are the leading cause of death.
This rememberance actually started the moment I became car-free when someone responded with the usually "bike=danger" response. I figured that if people actually saw a visually representation of a traffic death in their neighborhood they might just be a little more careful in how they drive. I also try to hightlight the young age at which many auto-victims leave us.
Two Things To Note
The high frequency of bicycle and/or pedestian incidents that involve a hit and run is both shocking and embarassing. Asleigh Jackson is just one example of a cyclist who along with her boyfriend where "just riding along" when they were struck by a late model BMW of Highway 9 and Fruitvale Ave. in Saratoga, CA. (flyer courtesey of Alto Velo)This criminal has not been caught yet, highlighting another reason to keep this on everyone's radar.
The other troubling statistic is the number of train vs. autos, bikes, and pedestrian accidents. I beleive in the first part of this year the number has grown to 16 in the Santa Clara valley. I am currently research this statistic to come up with some reliable data.
Victims 20 and Under
1-5-2009 Skylar Feather, age 18, driver
1-22-2009 Man Ly Yeung, 18, pedestrian
2-1-2009 Ivy Carrasco, 15, "Go-Cart" Driver
2-3-2009 Issac Young, 6, passanger, killed by DUI driver
2-9-2009 unidentified solo driver, killed in rollover incident.
2-22-2009 Maura Avalos Garcia, 20
3-7-2009 Rafael Narajo, Jr., 20 driven by 20 year old Adam Mendoza charged with vehicular manslaughter, felony hit-and-run and drunken driving
3-11-2009 unidentified 17 year pedestrian
5-8-2009 Seth Adam Koller, 16, pedestrian
5-16-2009 Paul Benabides, 20, car occupant
6-5-2009 unidentified passenger, 22
6-18-2009 Shawn Miller, killed while crossing VTA Light Rail Tracks.
6-18-2009 Simardeep Bathia, passenger, 20
6-21-2009 Filipe Bergara, 20, driver
6-21-2009 Maria Jennings, 19, passenger of Filipe Bergara
Rest In Peace
View 2009 Fatal Vehicular Accidents in South San Franciso Bay in a larger map